Turnip Boy Robs a Bank is an action-adventure game developed by Snoozy Kazoo, released on January 18, 2024.
The latest update, version 1.0.1, was released on January 23, 2024, and includes several enhancements:
New Features:
- Checkpoints Added: The final sequence now includes checkpoints. Placing a Jet Booster saves your progress, eliminating the need to complete the entire sequence in one run.
- Experience Bar Enhancement: When hovering over a weapon at Twin #1’s Research Table, the XP bar displays the amount of XP you will gain.
- Cutscene Skipping: Players can now skip the intro cutscene after deleting a save and can skip the end credits if they’ve been viewed before by holding the appropriate button.
- Tasks App Optimization: The Tasks app has been optimized for better performance.
- Credits Music Adjustment: Credits music now plays at a low volume even if music is disabled in settings.
- Guidance Adjustment: Robo-Rafael will no longer prompt you to upgrade your bag during a run if it’s not possible at that time.
- File Management: Progress and settings files have been migrated to platform-specific folders for better platform independence.
Bug Fixes:
- Tasks App Scrolling: Issues with scrolling in the Tasks app have been resolved.
- Weapon Targeting: The Frog Gun and Fly Trap bullets no longer target enemies that cannot take damage.
- Sequence Break Prevention: Players can no longer leave a room during specific actions, preventing sequence breaks.
- Boss Fight Stability: Addressed an issue where dealing excessive damage at the start of a boss fight could cause sequence breaks.
- Music Continuity: Fixed an issue where game music would continue playing upon returning to the main menu.
- Controller Navigation: Resolved issues preventing selection of certain buttons in the Weapon Rack when using a controller.
- Damage Dummy Spawn: Fixed occasional non-spawning of the damage dummy in the Weapon Warehouse.
- Text Corrections: Various typos and text-based issues have been corrected.