“Destiny 2: The Final Shape,” released in June 2024, introduced significant updates and features to the game. Here’s an overview of the key changes:
New Campaign and Storyline:
- The Pale Heart Destination: Players can now explore the Pale Heart, a new destination within the Traveler, offering fresh environments and challenges. Wikipedia
- Expanded Narrative: The expansion continues the overarching story, delving deeper into the mysteries of the Traveler and the universe. Wikipedia
Gameplay Enhancements:
- Pathfinder System: A new “Pathfinder” system consolidates various activities into 20 objectives across five tiers, providing structured progression and rewards. Wikipedia
- HUD and UI Updates: The heads-up display and user interface have been updated to better display critical information, such as activity modifiers and weapon perks. Wikipedia
- Legendary Shards Depreciation: Legendary shards have been depreciated to simplify in-game purchases, making it easier and more fair for all players. Wikipedia
Content Additions:
- New Enemy Type: The expansion introduces the Subjugator, a new enemy type, adding variety and new challenges to encounters. Wikipedia
- New Supers: Players can access new Arc, Solar, and Void supers, enhancing combat strategies and playstyles. Wikipedia
- Raid and Dungeons: The expansion includes new raid and dungeon content, offering high-level challenges and rewards for players. Wikipedia
Quality of Life Improvements:
- Vault Space Increase: The vault space has been increased by 100, bringing the total to 700 spaces, allowing players to store more items. Wikipedia
- Artifice Armor Slot: Fully masterworked exotic armor pieces can now be further upgraded to include an artifice armor slot, enhancing customization options. Wikipedia