“Antonblast” is a dynamic platformer developed by Summitsphere, drawing inspiration from classic handheld games. The game has received several updates to enhance gameplay and address technical issues.
Recent Updates:
- Version 1.0.16 (Released December 11, 2024):
- Fixed inconsistent 60FPS framerate.
- Corrected collectible icon offsets.
- Adjusted Rolling 8-Balls to prevent softlocks.
- Corrected stage intro sequences.
- Fixed missing collision in Brulo’s Casino rooftops.
- Blocked off side areas in Time Trial modes to prevent progression issues.
- Fixed softlock with bricks in Brulo’s Casino homage room.
- Adjusted collision in “Connecting Flight” (The Mysterious Glasshouse) to prevent softlocks.
- Corrected stage name for “Ring-a-Ding.”
- Fixed tiling issues in “Skeletons in the Closet I” (Brulo’s Casino).
- Version 1.0.17 (Released December 16, 2024):
- Fixed camera tilt snapping when pausing/unpausing during the final phase of Satan’s fight.
- Resolved issues with chips not being collected properly.
These updates aim to improve the game’s performance, fix bugs, and enhance the overall player experience.