Pokémon GO is an augmented reality (AR) mobile game developed by Niantic in collaboration with The Pokémon Company and Nintendo. Released in July 2016, it quickly became a global phenomenon by blending the world of Pokémon with real-world exploration. The game encourages players to venture outdoors to catch virtual Pokémon that appear in real-world locations, using the GPS and camera functionality of their smartphones.
In Pokémon GO, players assume the role of a Pokémon Trainer and use their mobile devices to explore their surroundings. The primary goal is to catch a variety of Pokémon, battle other players, complete research tasks, and participate in special events. The game features various modes, including Pokémon catching, gym battles, raids, and team-based events. Players can also trade Pokémon and work together in cooperative challenges called “Raids” to defeat powerful Pokémon bosses.
The game encourages social interaction and physical activity, with players often gathering at local PokéStops, gyms, and events to collaborate and compete. Pokémon GO is regularly updated with new Pokémon species, events, and gameplay features, keeping the experience fresh for its global community.