South of Midnight is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by Compulsion Games, set in a gothic fantasy version of the American Deep South. Players will assume the role of Hazel, a character who learns an ancient weaving power to confront mysterious creatures and unravel her family’s hidden past.
Key Features:
- Setting: The game is set in a fictionalized American Deep South, offering a rich and immersive environment inspired by Southern folklore. Wikipedia
- Gameplay: As a third-person action-adventure game, players will utilize Hazel’s weaving powers for combat, traversal, and solving puzzles. The game features a dark modern folktale driven by character development, with lyrical music inspired by the American South. Wikipedia
- Platforms: South of Midnight is scheduled for release on Windows and Xbox Series X/S in 2025. It will be available on Xbox Game Pass on the day of release. Wikipedia
- Release Date: While a firm date remains elusive, South of Midnight is slated for a 2025 release. Xbox Game Studios has been hinting at a possible April launch, but nothing is officially confirmed. 9Meters